Wednesday, August 27, 2008


IMPORTANT FACTS regarding TOXINS in our environment

50 % of all illness is due to poor indoor air quality (Source: 1989 State of Mass. Study) 3 groups of people are primarily affected by indoor chemical concentrations because they spend more time indoors and their immune systems are weaker.

The three groups are:

Infants and toddlers
Chronically ill
1988 EPA 5 years study)

The top 12 cancer causing products in the average home include the following:

Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder with Talc
Crest Tartar Control Toothpaste
VO 5 Hair Conditioner
Nice N Easy Hair Color
Ajax Cleaner
Lysol Disinfectant
(Source:The National Cancer Prevention Coalition)

Liquid Dish Soap is the leading cause of poisonings in the home (contain formaldehyde and ammonia in most brands)

Of the chemicals found in personal care products:
884 are toxic
146 cause tumors
218 cause reproductive complications
314 cause biological mutations
376 cause skin and eye irritations
Source:United States House of Representatives report, 1989)

The State of California recently passed legislation requiring a 45% reduction in the amount of toxins found in:

Hairspray aerosols
Furniture polish
Window cleaners
Air Fresheners
Laundry detergents
Nail polish remover
Insect repellent
Hair styling gel and mousse
Shaving crème
(Source: Healthy Homes in a Toxic World)

Out of 1,435 pesticide poisonings in a 1Year period, over 40 % were due to exposure to disinfectants and similar cleaning products in the home.
(Source: State of California Study)

Just reducing (not eliminating) environmental carcinogens alone, would save at least 50, 000 lives from cancer annually (Source: Dr. Lee
Davis, former advisor to the Secretary of Health)

Women who work in the home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than woman who work outside of the home (Source: 17 year EPA study)

Over the last 20-30 years, as more toxic chemicals have been introduced in greater amounts, the levels of toxins stored in our bodies has risen.
Bioaccumulation studies have shown that some toxins store in our bodies for life. Greater and greater amounts are being stored at younger. Diseases
that used to occur later in life are now appearing at younger ages. Disease that used to be rare is more frequent. For example:

There has been a 28% increase in childhood cancer since the addition of pesticides into household’s products
(Source: National Cancer Institute)

In one decade, there has been a 42% increase in asthma (29% for men and 82% for women- the higher rate for women is believed to be due to the women’s longer exposure to household chemicals (Source: Center for
Disease Control)

Due to the increase in toxic buildup in our bodies,including the toxic buildup of formaldehyde, dead bodies are not decomposing as fast as they used too. (Source National Institutes of Health)

Bodies now start to decompose within 7 to 10 days after death. During the Vietnam War, Vietnamese bodies started to decompose within 24-28 hours, Americans didn’t start to decompose for 4 to 5 days. Two times as much formaldehyde was needed to embalm a person twenty years ago as is needed today.

There is an increased risk for leukemia in children where parents have used pesticides in the home or garden before the child’s birth (Source: Journal
of the National Cancer Institute.

Over 150 chemicals found in the average home have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities (Source: Consumer
Product Safety Commission)

Some products release contaminants into the air right away, other do so gradually over a period of time. Some stay in the air up to a year. These contaminants, found in many household and personal care products can cause dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions, eye/skin/respiratory tract irritations and some cause cancer. (Source: American Lung Association)

The following products are just a few that are so toxic they would be disposed in a toxic waster dump:

Floor care products
Furniture Polish
Window cleaner
Bug spray
Nail polish remover
(Source: Water Pollution Control Federation)

Warning labels on containers refer ONLY to toxins hazard from ingestion,however only 10% of health problems from chemicals are caused by ingestion.
90% are caused by the inhalation of vapors and absorption of particles.

Government regulations require that only the most EXTREMELY Toxic substance must contain a warning label. Labels that say the following should be
removed from your home immediately:

Do not induce vomiting
Corrosive or fatal if swallowed
Harmful or fatal if swallowed
Call physician immediately- Get emergency aid

Warning (means that (1 teaspoon of product can harm or kill an adult)
Danger (means that as little as 5 drops can harm or kill an adult)

Phenol is a very common chemical that is found in household products. Health effects from phenol include:

Corrosive to any tissue
Harm to the central nervous system
Primary rout of entry is through the skin

Phenol is found in the following common products:

Air fresheners
Anti-itching and pain relieving lotions
Chloroseptic throat spray
Feminine powders and sprays
Furniture polish
Disinfectant cleaner
All-purpose cleaner

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